
2021 第13届 CAER-IFPRI 年会征文 【转】

三农学术 2022-12-31

*本文转自公众号“CAER编辑部”,原标题“Call for Papers | The 13th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference”


Call for Papers

The 13th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference

Building Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems in China

October 28-30, 2021 | Beijing, China

China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER, IF=1.775, Q2) is an academic journal published by Emerald in association with China Agricultural University (CAU) and listed as one of the SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) journals.

CAER is delighted to announce its Thirteenth annual conference in 2021 in collaboration with International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The theme of 2021 conference is on exploring Building Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems in China. Internationally and nationally renowned scholars will be invited to present and discuss their insights at the conference. More than 100 researchers from China and around the world are anticipated to participate.

  • Highlights 

Keynotes delivered by top scholars

Forum on current issues

Paper sessions with engaged chairs and carefully

appointed discussants

Best paper awards

Pre-conference program for Ph.D. job market candidates

Continuing Education Program following the close of CAER-IFPRI

  • Important Schedules

31 Jul. 2021

Deadline for full paper submission

31 Aug. 2021

Notification of decision for full paper submission

28-30 Oct. 2021

The 13th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference

30 Oct.- 2 Nov. 2021

Academic Training Program(TBD)

  • Co-organizers 

China Agricultural Economic Review

International Food Policy Research Institute

China Agricultural University

Emerald Publishing House, UK

  • Organizing Committee

Xian Xin (Chair)

CAER Chief Editor

Vice President of China Agricultural University

Kevin Chen (Co-chair)

CAER Co-editor, China Program Leader, IFPRI

Wei Si (Co-chair)

Dean, College of Economics and Management, CAU

Baozhong Su

CAER Editorial Coordinator, College of Economics and Management, CAU

Suggested Topics

Submissions are solicited on a wide variety of topics including but not limited to:

  • Agri-food system, Seed system security

  • Food safety and Nutrition Security

  • Labor Supply and Human Capital

  • Agricultural Market, Trade and Prices

  • Agricultural productivity and Sustainable development

  • Health and Nutrition: Health Outcomes and Food Consumption

  • Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change

  • Rural Land and Rural Finance

  • Agribusiness, E-commerce and Supply Chain Management

  • Poverty alleviation and Rural Revitalization

  • Industrial Upgrading and Economic Development

Submission Guidelines

  • Please format the submission following the Authors Guidelines, which is available on


  • Please submit your manuscript on


  • All submissions will be evaluated by two independent reviewers with respect to their (a) relevance of the topics and potential for discussion, (b) originality, (c) academic quality, and (d) clarity of exposition.

  • Author(s) of the accepted papers, or at least one of them, are required to register and present their work at the conference.

Registration Fee

RMB 1200 (Chinese Currency), including entrances to the sessions, badge, conference program, printed proceedings, coffee breaks, welcome reception, and meals during the conference. The registration fee will be paid at the conference registration desk. No Registration Fee for one student with one accepted paper.


For any information, please contact the conference coordinator, Mr. Yitian Xiao:

caer.cau@gmail.com and 86-10-6273 8685 (office).

Preliminary Schedule






  1. CAER 第12卷第1期目录【转】

  2. “双循环”背景下现代农业发展论坛(2021)征文启事【转】

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  5. 2021中国农林经济管理学术年会征文与主题专场申请通知【转】

  6. 第10届亚洲农经学家学会将于12月召开、继续征文

  7. 第二十一届中国经济学年会征文通知

  8. 第五届“费孝通田野调查奖”征文启事【转】

  9. 征文丨【2021年中国社会学年会】乡村振兴背景下的农业农村现代化暨第五届农业社会学论坛征文通知

  10. 第十一届中国农村发展研究博士生论坛征稿通知【转】

